Artist Statement
Many different kinds of truths can be told of a place. The changes that a landscape displays visually reflect not only what is there but what has been lost, it’s value dependent on what it affords us. I rarely have any prior connection to the places I photograph but there is a familiarity in them. A past intimacy with that kind of place that makes me feel like I belong there. Details give form to personal histories, structures provide references for memories, and specific landscapes allow for a universal language about loss and hope, truth and beauty. Photography lets me participate in places I would not have reason to interact in otherwise, to form associations where there were none before, and encourages an attentiveness to the world and my position in it.
Sara Ferguson is an Oakland, CA. based photo archivist and photographer. She studied photography at the University of Oregon School of Fine Arts and Photographic Preservation and Collections Management in a joint Masters program between Ryerson University in Toronto and George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film in Rochester, New York.
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