Artist Statement
I typically "tilt" my camera towards the hand-made. I want the pixels, or silver, to conjure traditional art forms: etching, oil stick, pencil sketch, lithography. I don't pursue this course for the cheap and shallow thrill of technical mimicry, but rather for the deeper expression I find beyond the obviously photographic. Better said, I like "painting" and "drawing" with my camera, and prefer that pleasant magic to come from honest camerawork, rather than Photoshop flips and jiggles.
Process Statement
Most of my projects could be defined as investigations. I often imagine myself as a scientist/professor/researcher looking deeply into everyday objects and "discovering" hidden uses/expressions. The investigations, while pretend, delve deeply into the limits of camerawork and push the edges of the process.
How to use our image viewer
Click on any of the thumbnail images to launch the viewer. You can then navigate forward and backward within the portfolio by clicking the left or right side of the enlarged image. Click the add to collection checkbox to automatically add an image to your collection. Image tags or search engine keywords appear below the collections' checkbox and each word or phrase is a link to potentially more image matches.