Facing Climate Change is our long-term documentary project that tells the story of global change through local people. We are currently collaborating on a series of multimedia stories that explore the impacts of global climate change through people who live and work in the Pacific Northwest. From wildfire fighters and potato growers, to coastal tribes, paramedics and snowmakers, people throughout this region must confront and adapt to the consequences of warming. Their unique stories about who they are and what they do, their everyday challenges and long-term ambitions help to make an abstract issue more accessible to local audiences, while also contributing to a global conversation.
This project began with a series of stories about Sámi reindeer herders in Norway, volunteer glacier monitors from Iceland and fishermen of the North Atlantic. Over the last few years Facing Climate Change has been featured in Orion magazine, Photo District News and Mother Jones, in exhibitions from Napa's Ansel Adams Fine Art Gallery to Houston Center for Photography, and as a multimedia presentation shown at a variety of venues, from colleges and prisons to art galleries.