Artist Statement
„le séjour des hommes sur la terre, l´ensemble des êtres et des choses parmi lesquels se passe notre vie.“
(the existence residence of man on earth, the totality of beings and things between which make up our life.)
Slowly and tentatively moving forward, we open up the world to us. Our encyclopedic knowledge of it we assemble, like a mosaic, made up of experiences, traditions and dreams, all the while applying our ingenuity. Since mosaics are composed of different aspects, we think them generally
to be extremely robust. Doubts are rare.
Cognitive processes need not necessarily require verbal or visual thinking, they can also exist in a purely abstract space, expanded by our mind. We are used to reflections on our own thoughts and are even no strangers to its re-meta-meta-cognitive analyses. However, we continually seek to condense our insights into something visual, verbal or tangible, thus once again creating new cognitions.
But if our knowledge of the world would be in us and would not be supported by the world itself, if the world would not be our counterpart which remains foreign to us, but the space in between, that space into which speak and in which we are heard, it would be essential in order not to suffocate in the solitude of utter relativisation to align our instruments to those interfaces, which allow us to open up the world. Failing this, we wouldn't have anything left to say to each other and everyone would keep to himself.
I am convinced that art would have to endeavour such an undertaking and each medium seems to me suitable for this purpose, if it, like photography, makes available those tactile skills essential for it. Art would then be the means to keep this space inbetween expanded.
born 1968 in Singen / Hohentwiel, South-western Germany
Prices and Grants
Eduard Arnhold and Max Taut Fund at the Akademie der Künste (Academy of Arts), Berlin
Grant of the VG Bild-Kunst Foundation, Bonn
Grant of the Stiftung Deutsche Künstlerhilfe beim Bundespräsidenten (German Artist Foundation at the President of the Federal Republic of Germany), Berlin
Price for Fine Arts of the City of Friedrichshafen
Grant for Foreign Studies of Baden-Württemberg for Rome, Italy
Honour as Meisterschüler at Prof. Horst Antes
Erasmus-scholarship for Lisbon, Portugal
Artprice of the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe
lunar orbiter, zisko Galerie, Munich
Stille Nacht (Still Night), Parish Church Engen
schärfe tiefen, Municipal Museum Engen
walk sequence, zisko Galerie, Munich
Krieger (Warrior), Kunstkabine Berlin
Old News, Projektraum Kunst im Tauthaus, Berlin
Air, Malplaquetstr. 36, Berlin
stranded in the future, Spor Klübü, Berlin
Nelson Mandela must be free, Spor Klübü, Berlin
Retrato : Berlin, MNBA - Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
Parcels for the Promised Land, KunstBüroBerlin
Portrait: Berlin, Goethe-Institute, Santiago, Chile
0X/01, FRISE, Hamburg
Gute Vorsätze (Good resolves), Zweigstelle, Berlin
portrait: berlin - contemporary photography, Vzigalica Gallery, Mestni Muzej Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gottesraum (Spaces of God, Artprice of the Archdiocese Freiburg), District Administration Karlsruhe, Monastery Hegne and Morat-Institute for History of Art, Freiburg
kabine extended, Projectroom Alte Feuerwache, Berlin
Portrait: Berlin, Goethe-Intitutes, Fabryka Schindlera, Krakow, Poland and Riga, Latvia
StadtAnsichten (CityScapes), Art Award Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Townhall Berlin-Tempelhof
triestefotografia, Nuovo Polo Natatorio, Trieste, Italy
Portrait: Berlin - Contemporary Photography and Video Art, Goethe-Institute, Washington D.C., USA
Descubriementos PHE, Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid, Spain
Overview - Constructions of Truthness, Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Kunstarchiv Darmstadt
Portrait: Berlin, The Moving Gallery, Old Omaha Association, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Auflösung I (Resolution - Dissolution), New Society for Visual Arts (NGBK), Berlin
Editions, Baden Art Association Karlsruhe
Stipendien der Graduiertenförderung des Landes Baden-Württemberg (Postgraduate Grants of the State of Baden-Würtemberg), Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
Mit leichtem Gepäck (With light baggage), Baden Art Association Karlsruhe
7up Set, Baden Art Association Karlsruhe
TOP MeisterschülerInnen, Palace Bruchsal
Kunstraum 1A (Art Space 1A), Frankfurt/Main
Academic training
1995 – 2001 Studies of Fine Art at Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe,
class of Prof. Horst Antes and Prof. Ernst Caramelle, diploma
Works in Collections
Akademie der Künste (Academy of Arts), Berlin
Deutsche Bank Art Collection, Frankfurt/Main
District Administration Karlsruhe
Collection Horst Antes, Castellina in Chianti, Italy
Juliet Art Magazine n.141, Associazione Culturale Juliet, Trieste, Italy
Gottesraum - (Spaces of God - Artprice of the Archdiocese Freiburg), Promo Publ. Freiburg,
ISBN 978-3-923288-70-0
European Photography #81, Ed.: Andreas Müller-Pohle, Berlin, ISSN 0172-7028
Descubriementos PHE 07, Publ.: Photo Espana, La Fabricà, Madrid
Überblick - Konstruktionen der Wahrheit (Overview - Constructions of Truthness),
Publ.: Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie e.V., Darmstadt, ISBN 3-9810254-4-X
Presented at Artforum - produced at Kulturwerk, Publ.: BBK, Berlin
Auflösung / Resolution - Dissolution, Ed.: Realismstudio at New Society for Visual Arts, Berlin,
ISBN 3-938515-00-7
Mit leichtem Gepäck, Ed.:. Angelika Stepken, Baden Art Association, Karlsruhe,
ISBN 3-89309-097-5
TOP MeisterschülerInnen, Ed.: Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe
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