Artist Statement
My process as an artist using photography is largely intuitive and intentionally uncontrolled. My subjects are drawn primarily from my domestic sphere and include household vignettes, garden scenes, and tabletop still-life setups made of commonplace objects. However, the images lack homey familiarity. I investigate, through extreme close-ups, unusual vantage points and lighting and off kilter humor, the ways that the familiar can be flipped into the strange and unexpected.
I have always been a collector and connoisseur of all sorts of objects and the online marketplace eBay has become an important source and inspiration to my work. I’m interested in Pop Culture and what the masses like, but my images always transcend their commercial sources, re-conceiving them as otherworldly and occasionally unsettling musings on matter. My images, like distorting mirrors, use slyly subversive estrangement to awaken the viewer to the world’s unexpected aesthetic possibilities.
How to use our image viewer
Click on any of the thumbnail images to launch the viewer. You can then navigate forward and backward within the portfolio by clicking the left or right side of the enlarged image. Click the add to collection checkbox to automatically add an image to your collection. Image tags or search engine keywords appear below the collections' checkbox and each word or phrase is a link to potentially more image matches.